Sunday, January 26, 2014

What will teaching in the 21st century be like??

In the Mr. Dancealot video, the central message is that students need to experience and practice what they have learned to fully understand. Mr. Dancealot would not let the class practice the whole semester. Whenever he would demonstrate the Foxtrot, Waltz, Swing, and Tango, he would stand behind the desk and the class could not even see what he was doing to understand. The author makes his conclusion by showing that even though they attended class and took notes, they still did not know any of the steps for the final because he did not let them practice what he preached. I agree with this conclusion. As a dance teacher, I know I cannot show my kids something one time and expect them to do it whenever I turn the music on; I have to go over it a few times and see if anyone has any questions. Everyone cannot learn dance steps just by looking at power points about it, it has to be a physical learning environment for dance moves.

Roberts thinks to teach in the 21st century means that everything will be electronic. He is saying that if we can only provide certain details, then our job as teachers is obsolete.
Students can get information from anywhere (i.e. Blogs, Facebook, Cell Phones, Twitter, Wikipedia, YouTube, iPods, and Google.)
Teachers are no longer the main source of knowledge, we are the filter. We can ask the internet ANYTHING.
With all of this information available, should our curriculum be focused on facts and content or skills?? If we asked them certain questions that they had to research, they would have to remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, and create an answer.
Students learn professionalism from their teachers.
We need to rethink the tools we use and the types of problems we ask the students to solve. With technology and the internet with it's limitless resources: we can gather and discuss data, talk about reliable resources, publish and evaluate work, collaborate, struggling students can benefit from the internet, and students can create an e-portfolio and reflect on their work.
Today, using laptops, cell phones, and iPods provide temptation but they are not the source of negative behavior.
The students do not need to be entertained by these tools, they need to be engaged. Entertainment is NOT the same as engagement.
Entertainment is passive, it is for enjoyment, it is short-lived, it doesn't require relevance, it allows an escape from problems, and it is using the creativity of others. While engagement is active, it is for learning, it has long- term results, it is meaningful and applicable, it is for solving problems, and it is using the creativity of the participant.
It starts with us, the teachers. We need to remember the big picture.
I completely agree with the way Roberts sees teaching because this is how it will be in a couple of years and some people don't realize that. Kids need something to get them more interested in learning, and i think using technology will definitely help that. If Roberts is correct, I don't think it will affect me as an educator at all. I am very technology literate and i think it would be fun to integrate technology into teaching. I do; however, think that if Roberts is right then it will be hard for the older generation of teachers to learn everything about technology because some older teachers do not like technology, some barely know how to use a computer or smart phone. They will have to re- learn everything over again just like they are back in college.

In the network student video, my reaction is i agree with what he was explaining. Just like in the Roberts video, we will be the students filter for education, not their main source of information. The teacher is there to guide the student through everything he needs help with. She will help him with his grammar or punctuation when writing on his blog or writing to other people. She shows him how to tell what is good information on the internet and what is not. She keeps him organized, and she wants to help him succeed in his future career. Teachers are there to give you professionalism and that is a FACT.

The thesis of Vicki Davis's video is that you cannot teach a class and just have pencil and paper, because only some students will succeed. She wants to make her students comfortable with any type of technology. My reaction is that she is a brave teacher for not knowing how to use the program, and letting the children teach her. I like how she wants her students to engage with other people all over the world. I also liked how she encourages other teachers to do what she is doing.

Flipping a classroom is new to me, but I think it is a very effective idea for future teaching. Although I think it is a great idea, I don't necessarily agree with it 100%. In Mobile County Public School Systems, some of the children who attend do not come from homes with a computer at their fingertips. Like she said, if they do not have a computer to watch the assignment on, the students can watch it on the computers/ iPads provided at the school; this would not work in Mobile County. The students would all come in the next morning and need to watch it because they don't have a computer at home and I think that would take up more time by letting all of them watch it, rather than her just teach the lesson in class. Also, the schools do not have adequate computers or enough computers to provide for the students at school. This may need to be Mobile County's next investment. I do like the idea of flipping a classroom though, maybe in Baldwin County where the schools provide each and every student their own computer to take home.


  1. Thorough. Thoughtful. Well write. Very well done!

  2. I was very intrigued by your blog post. I also believe as a dance teacher you can't adequately instruct a dancing class through PowerPoint and lecture. An instructor needs to engage with their classroom and educate them about the art of dance. They need to be there for support as well as motivation. I also think it's important to allow students to put their knowledge and skills to practice. Davis' video had a huge impact on me because it gives me some insight and knowledge of instructing in the 21st century. I enjoyed the part when she learned something new from her students. I think it's vital for teachers to keep an open mind with their students and allow them to share their new ideas and creativity. I also am not sure about the whole flipping the classroom concept. I don't think students in low income school districts will have the same resources compared to a high income district. I am very familiar with Baldwin County and how they are incorporating technology into the classroom. I think it's wonderful for schools to provide those resources to students and prepare them for real world situations.
